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First of all, Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023! I pray this year is even better than last for all of us. I am full of hope for this years growing season, kidding season and all the projects we are looking forward to tackling.

As most of you know from one of our previous blogs, we have a PUPO goat. (Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise) This means I have been learning as much as I can about goat birth as we await the goat kids! In talking to the wonderful lady we got Bambi from, she mentioned a program that takes place through Michigan State University. The MSU Small Ruminant birth management course occurs annually. It is a four week, live, online course with an optional in person session afterwards. I am so excited to have the opportunity to attend! Oftentimes I feel like there isn't a lot of information for us goat lovers out there. I feel so lucky to have such a great resource so close to home.

We hope to run blood tests next week, which will hopefully confirm Bambi's pregnancy. We are also testing the herd for CAE, CL, and Johne's disease. These are tests that must be done annually to be sure you have a healthy herd. (all of our goats were clean this summer, however, we would like to stay on top of it ahead of kidding season) I will probably end up making a post about that process as well.

I have also started putting together a kidding kit (if anyone has old towels they don't need, please let me know). So far we have clean scissors, Iodine, a small glass to pour the iodine into, a clean mason jar to milk into, puppy pads, a thermometer, a tube of jump start, electrolyte solution, gloves, a suction bulb, paper towels, baby wipes, syringes and needles, a notebook and pen, and a lantern. We still have a few things to add into the kit, so I will plan on making a post with photos and the full list.

We are thrilled to be at a place where all of this is possible and will be sure to keep you all in the loop!

Caprae Diem,




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